Leadership Coaching


For Strategic Leaders

This programme is designed for leaders who are responsible for creating the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic direction.

The programme helps leaders shift their focus from short-term and tactical to more strategic and  long term and big picture view of their organization. It enables leaders to develop skills to draw a clear motivating picture of their vision and strategy to get the “buy-in” from the team. Leaders will be able to explore the possibilities by tapping into their imagination and creativity through the programme. They will become more inclusive and authentic. The programme also allows the coach to be the role confidant at times.

The most significant outcome of the programme is the shift in leadership style that positively impact organizational culture and alignment.

The programme is delivered through:

  • 6 one-hour one-to-one online or face-to-face sessions over 4-6 months.

  • Using a Leadership assessment tool

  • 2 hrs free consultation

  • 1 session of team coaching

For Developing Leaders

This programme is designed for leaders who are currently in management and leadership roles and need to enhance their effectiveness or for individuals who have changed roles and need to develop additional competencies.

The tailor-made programme facilitates the leader to gain insights into how they execute business strategies and manage change, conflict, and people. The programme improves the communication skills of the leaders as well as supporting them in building trust and becoming more outcome-focused. The programme helps the leaders to create a sense of purpose, achieve transformation, and overcome significant obstacles.

The most significant outcome of the programme is the improved effectiveness in managing others.

 The programme is delivered through:

  • 8 one hour one-to-one online or face-to-face sessions over 8-10 months.

  • Using a Leadership assessment tool

  • 1 hr free consultation


For Emerging Leaders

This programme is designed for individuals who may be new to management or stepping up to leadership roles and who have been identified as the “future leaders”.

In this tailor-made program based on your individual and/or corporate needs, you will experience more self and social awareness and understanding of the relationship between your role and the world around it. With this holistic approach, your work performance as well as your ability to cope, be resilient and your overall well-being will significantly improve.

 The most significant outcome of this program is to enable you to shape your leadership identity which is crucial for developing efficacious leaders.

 The programme is delivered through

  • 10 one-hour one-to-one online or face-to-face sessions over 5 to 10 months.

  • Development plan for the next 6 to 12 months